Traditionally, the film industry has operated on a power-broker model. A‑NATION sees a future with greater opportunity for filmmakers of all levels to monetize their creativity. Original content will be developed with the global market in mind. To accomplish this goal, A‑NATION develops its own solutions through film finance, vertical integration, cost-savings, middlemen reduction, faster payments, piracy protection, and reclamation of one’s privacy. A‑NATION will power all phases of the film making process from script development forward. The tokenized function of A‑NATION will create liquidity and promote independent funding within the film industry.


BUSD rewards10% of overall fees, 4% from buys, 6% from sells are rebated to holders in BUSD rewards enabling holders to earn based on volume rather than price.

Auto-liquidity – 4% or more of overall fees, automatically goes to liquidity, allowing for easier trading and price stabilization.

Auto-buyback with manual burn – 4% of overall fees is used to buy back tokens with a manual burn mechanism benefiting price action.

Locked Liquidity pool – The Liquidity Pool will be consistently locked with the ability to utilize decentralized voting to lock or unlock the liquidity by the community of holders.

High staking reward – Token holders who stake will be rewarded with ANATION tokens at a daily rate of 0.08% interest. The auto-compounded daily interest also results in an annual reward yield of over 30%.

Box office rewardsRebate in a form of BUSD rewards or ANATION, equivalent to 5% of net from the box office* will go back to holders based on the number of tokens held but more importantly, rewards those that held the longest.

Decentralized Voting – An IPFS (interplanetary file system), decentralized storage system will be used to poll token holder base.

Token/NFT gated-entry – Locked sections of the A-NATION website will require private wallets to connect directly with the web3 DAPP, in order to access the privileged info in these sections including but not limited to footages, behind the scene, rare interviews, location scouting, or stunt rehearsals. Holders need to either hold a certain amount of tokens or a contract in form of a NFT.

Solutions – Transparency, anti-piracy, democratization, decentralized voting, reclamation of one’s privacy.

*Based on film projects solely funded by the ANATION’s tokenized mechanism. Rewards will be proportionate to the investment directly coming from ANATION tokens/token mechanism.